Hudson River Sukkah
The High Holidays in West Village were beautiful and paved the way for a joyous week of Sukkot ahead. A Sukkah (celebratory holiday hut) is a bit of a challenge to come by in this concrete jungle. Fret not though, we’ve got you covered! We want to introduce you to the Hudson River Sukkah, the first-ever public Sukkah on Hudson River Parks. To blend in with the scenic park and West Village backdrop, this intricately designed, one-of-a-kind Sukkah was created by an artist specifically for our community. You’ll find it just past Pier 46 on Hudson River Park (at the Perry & West St intersection). Come by, say hello, do the Lulav & Etrog shake, grab a drink and to-go holiday activities for kids and share the joy of Sukkot! Think breezy, festive & great holiday vibes.
Sep 29 - Oct 6 | 9am - 2pm, 4pm - 6pm